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Results  241 - 250  of  311  for  On the Farm
Mary Buvia Free MotiOn Machine Quilting InstructiOn 2 sessiOns - February
February 11,2025  -   Detailed instructiOn including batting, threads, needles and more during this two sessiOn class - One week apart. Design will be stitched in SessiOn 2
Mary Buvia Free MotiOn Machine Quilting InstructiOn 2 sessiOns - February
February 18,2025  -   Detailed instructiOn including batting, threads, needles and more during this two sessiOn class - One week apart. Design will be stitched in SessiOn 2
Mary Buvia's Fabric Painting Class - March
March 11,2025  -   Come join Mary Buvia to learn about painting designs , flowers, etc On quilted or unquilted projects
Mary's COntinuing Studies in Machine Quilting - Feb
February 27,2025  -   Detailed technique instructiOn focused On OnE technique.
Mary's COntinuing Studies in Machine Quilting - March
March 25,2025  -   Detailed technique instructiOn focused On OnE technique.
LOngarm Rental - Feb
February 22,2025  -   Rent our lOngarm quilting machine for the day. We have an Amara24 On a twelve foot frame. We provide the machine, frame, and thread. You, the quilter, provide the ideas and move the machine to create the quilting designs.
LOngarm Rental - March
March 29,2025  -   Rent our lOngarm quilting machine for the day. We have an Amara24 On a twelve foot frame. We provide the machine, frame, and thread. You, the quilter, provide the ideas and move the machine to create the quilting designs.
Kayla's Intermediate/Advanced Amigurumi Highland Cow Part 1
February 22,2025  -   Come join a 2-part class On creating a Highland Cow! We will be following CrochetGrove's pattern for this creature.
Kayla's Beginning Amigurumi Snowball
February 22,2025  -   I know that a snowball isn't a very exciting thing to make, but it is a perfect way to learn the art of Amigurumi!
HQ Event LOngarm Hands-On Fundamentals and COnfident Free MotiOn Quilting
March 04,2025  -   Does lOngarm quilting interest you, and you'd like to learn more about it or do you want a of review of lOngarm quilting basics? And quilters everywhere LOVE the excitement and fund of free-motiOn quilting - and it is easier than you think!