Meet Cheryl Laine
HQ Educator
Teaching our classes in March is Cheryl Lane, Handi Quilter Educator. Inspired by the creative women in her family, Cheryl learned to cross-stich, sew and crochet in her teens.
In 2014 Cheryl started working at a sewing machine dealer and quilt shop. A dream job for many. What quilter wouldn’t want, to play with fabrics and be creative all day?!
In the summer of 2020 Cheryl started her longarm quilting business, Compass Quilt Company. With her Handi Quilter machine her quilting possibilities are endless; to use free motion, ruler quilting, Pro-stitcher or a combination of these techniques. Sharing these ideas and inspiration with others is Cheryl's passion. We look forward to welcoming her to our shop in March!