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   “Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us.” Psalm 90:17

All Indiana Shop Hop News!
Join the fun at the inaugural ALL Indiana Shop Hop!   This magazine is more than just a passport for the May 1- June 30, 2025 premier event.  It is filled with patterns, has the map of the state with the participating shops, your entry form for all the amazing prizes and sew much more.

These sell out super fast as they are are a great resource for finding all the crafty fiber shops in Indiana even after the event.  

Magazines are expected to arrive on or about March 15th. We will contact you when they arrive so you can decide when you want to pick it up.  

We look forward to seeing you in our shop soon!  

Click here to pre-order your copy

Save the date! Six of your favorite local shops are creating an awesome experience over a four day period in March, right when we need a lil' sunshine here in middle America.


Passports can be purchased on our website or in person in the shop. Buy yours in advance to be sure to get the limited supply branded tote bag and to be eligible to win BIG prizes.


Invite your friends to join you in this fun adventure as you hop from shop to shop.
Buy your Passport Here


ByAnnie's Local Quilt Shop Contest Update

Use this QR code to go directly

to the voting website:

Currently we are #20 on the leaderboard, but we need more votes to win the big prize!


When voting, please be sure to leave a comment because they count towards a new Creative Hub Award. Three amazing stores will receive this award based on the following criteria noted in the voter's comments:


  • continuing educational opportunities
  • positive local community impact
  • inspiring atmosphere
  • personal connection with customers
  • creative encouragement, support, and advice


We strive to provide these services as part of your experience in our shop and have loved reading your comments. Thanks for taking time to support us, so we can support you.

What's New at Always In Stitches!

Handi Quilter Classes Selling Fast

Hand's On Fundamentals and Free Motion Quilting

March 4th 9am-4pm


Does longarm quilting interest you? Or would you like to have a of review of longarm quilting basics? Learn machine and frame elements and features, how to load a quilt, and vital facts about thread, needles and tension.


Learn how to create flowing designs by connecting simple design elements with continuous lines, traveling across the quilt or filling in a specific area.

Fundamentals and Free Motion Quilting 

Pro-stitcher Intro and ABC's of Rulers

March 5th 9am-4pm


Learn the basics of an intuitive computer system using the Handi Quilter Long arm Machines in the morning session.


Then in the afternoon experience precise and consistency when quilting with rulers. Learn to handle rulers and templates safely. Achieve accuracy and be inspired with the wide variety of Handi Quilter rulers.

Pro-stitcher Introduction And ABC's of Rulers

Pro-stitcher Principles and Essentials

March 6th 9am-4pm


March 7th 9am-4pm


Pro-stitcher is an intuitive computer-guided quilting system designed especially for use with Handi Quilter longarm quilting machines.


This class sells out quick - so sign up fast.


Pro-Stitchers Principles and Essentials March 6th 
Pro-Stitchers Principles and Essentials March 7th

Quilting Inside the Grid and Outside the Box

March 8th 9am-4pm


Laying out designs using gridwork creates even spacing and uniformity in quilting. In this workshop, you'll learn how to make your own stencils, explore designs that work well within grids, and tips and tricks for marking grids on your next quilting project.


Sometimes all you need is a little inspiration to quilt out a beautiful design. In this fun hands-on class, start with a piece of fabric with a fun design printed on it, and then quilt outside the lines!

Quilting Inside the Grid and Outside the Box

Meet Cheryl Laine

HQ Educator


Teaching our classes in March is Cheryl Lane, Handi Quilter Educator. Inspired by the creative women in her family, Cheryl learned to cross-stich, sew and crochet in her teens.


In 2014 Cheryl started working at a sewing machine dealer and quilt shop. A dream job for many. What quilter wouldn’t want, to play with fabrics and be creative all day?!


In the summer of 2020 Cheryl started her longarm quilting business, Compass Quilt Company. With her Handi Quilter machine her quilting possibilities are endless; to use free motion, ruler quilting, Pro-stitcher or a combination of these techniques. Sharing these ideas and inspiration with others is Cheryl's passion. We look forward to welcoming her to our shop in March!

To Market to Market to buy more Cross Stitch!

Nancy and Debra are excited to be attending the Needlework Retailers Market in Nashville in a few weeks. They always bring back the newest and best in patterns, fabrics and notions. You can bet they will bring back way more three bags full back for your shopping pleasure.


Many designers are offering glimpses into their charts and fabrics through social media. If you see something you'd like for our gals to pick up while there, just let Debra know. She and Nancy will be on the lookout while browsing the vendors and bring it back for you to pick up in our shop. Email:

Floss Tube #58

What is FIBRuary?


FIBRuary is the ultimate event for knitters, crocheters, and yarn enthusiasts of all kinds! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just picking up your first skein, FIBRuary has something for everyone.

In the next several days following you have the opportunity to crawl through 10 yarn shops located within an hours drive of Indianapolis.


Like a treasure hunt for fiber enthusiasts, each participating shop offers a unique experience. It’s a social, creative, and rewarding adventure for knitters, crocheters, and yarn enthusiasts of all kinds.

                        FIBRuary Website

                                                                The Giving Tree 2025              
 In February we will be collecting toothbrushes and toothpaste, which will be given to local schools



For the month of February we are collecting
 chunky meat soups, canned meat sauces and hand can openers.
Please bring your items to the shop and place them in the barrel inside our front entrance. Thank you for supporting our community.
         For more information please click the link below.          Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank

Several of you have asked for what we will be collecting in. The table below gives you the next few months of donations in case you would like to plan ahead.


Email sign up
We do not sell or trade any of your identification information to others.

Our Neighbors


Company  Links


Contact Us

  • Phone: 317.776.4227
  • Address: 1808 Conner St.
    Noblesville, IN 46060
  • Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat
  • 10am-4:30pm
  • Wednesday 10am - 7:30pm
  • Closed Sunday

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